Through creative and innovative ideas presented by Fitria Khoirun Nisa, “Co-Farming” led her to become one of the Top 10 Best Talents IndonesiaNEXT 2019 By Telkomsel from 4500 students 280 universities in Indonesia. Co-Farming is an agriculture platform that helps farmers and agricultural extension workers access agricultural information in an integrated, easy, fast, and reliable way in various forms of presentations.
Fitria Khoirun Nisa, a student from the Agricultural Extension and Communication Study Program Class of 2016, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, recently graduated in August 2020. To participate in this activity, Fitria must go through a series of selection processes in the IndonesiaNEXT program. The series of IndonesiaNEXT 2019 activities opened with a public lecture themed “Digital Leadership” by many professional speakers competent in their fields. Also, online courses are provided consist of creative content, office and presentation, and creative design. The training was also conducted with the theme “Creative Design for Powerful Presentation.” Furthermore, international certification is carried out for participants to increase their capacity in preparing professional skills in the industry. After that, three to four of the best participants from each city will participate in the national boot camp as the final stage to become The Best IndonesiaNEXT 2019 Talents.
While attending the national boot camp, Fitria was also with other UGM students: Joanna Rani W from the Faculty of Engineering, Firyal Nur Karimah from the Faculty of Psychology, and Rochmad Gama Saputra from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Of the four students from UGM, one person was successfully selected to be The Best 10 Talents. IndonesiaNEXT is very useful for students or new alumni. This program aims to improve students’ professional skills as a provision for the preparation of high-quality human resources (HR) through seminars, public lectures, online courses, training, and certification by focusing on participants’ ability in the field of digital technology.